42 research outputs found

    Computational fluid dynamics indicators to improve cardiovascular pathologies

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    In recent years, the study of computational hemodynamics within anatomically complex vascular regions has generated great interest among clinicians. The progress in computational fluid dynamics, image processing and high-performance computing haveallowed us to identify the candidate vascular regions for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and to predict how this disease may evolve. Medicine currently uses a paradigm called diagnosis. In this thesis we attempt to introduce into medicine the predictive paradigm that has been used in engineering for many years. The objective of this thesis is therefore to develop predictive models based on diagnostic indicators for cardiovascular pathologies. We try to predict the evolution of aortic abdominal aneurysm, aortic coarctation and coronary artery disease in a personalized way for each patient. To understand how the cardiovascular pathology will evolve and when it will become a health risk, it is necessary to develop new technologies by merging medical imaging and computational science. We propose diagnostic indicators that can improve the diagnosis and predict the evolution of the disease more efficiently than the methods used until now. In particular, a new methodology for computing diagnostic indicators based on computational hemodynamics and medical imaging is proposed. We have worked with data of anonymous patients to create real predictive technology that will allow us to continue advancing in personalized medicine and generate more sustainable health systems. However, our final aim is to achieve an impact at a clinical level. Several groups have tried to create predictive models for cardiovascular pathologies, but they have not yet begun to use them in clinical practice. Our objective is to go further and obtain predictive variables to be used practically in the clinical field. It is to be hoped that in the future extremely precise databases of all of our anatomy and physiology will be available to doctors. These data can be used for predictive models to improve diagnosis or to improve therapies or personalized treatments.En els últims anys, l'estudi de l'hemodinàmica computacional en regions vasculars anatòmicament complexes ha generat un gran interès entre els clínics. El progrés obtingut en la dinàmica de fluids computacional, en el processament d'imatges i en la computació d'alt rendiment ha permès identificar regions vasculars on poden aparèixer malalties cardiovasculars, així com predir-ne l'evolució. Actualment, la medicina utilitza un paradigma anomenat diagnòstic. En aquesta tesi s'intenta introduir en la medicina el paradigma predictiu utilitzat des de fa molts anys en l'enginyeria. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu desenvolupar models predictius basats en indicadors de diagnòstic de patologies cardiovasculars. Tractem de predir l'evolució de l'aneurisma d'aorta abdominal, la coartació aòrtica i la malaltia coronària de forma personalitzada per a cada pacient. Per entendre com la patologia cardiovascular evolucionarà i quan suposarà un risc per a la salut, cal desenvolupar noves tecnologies mitjançant la combinació de les imatges mèdiques i la ciència computacional. Proposem uns indicadors que poden millorar el diagnòstic i predir l'evolució de la malaltia de manera més eficient que els mètodes utilitzats fins ara. En particular, es proposa una nova metodologia per al càlcul dels indicadors de diagnòstic basada en l'hemodinàmica computacional i les imatges mèdiques. Hem treballat amb dades de pacients anònims per crear una tecnologia predictiva real que ens permetrà seguir avançant en la medicina personalitzada i generar sistemes de salut més sostenibles. Però el nostre objectiu final és aconseguir un impacte en l¿àmbit clínic. Diversos grups han tractat de crear models predictius per a les patologies cardiovasculars, però encara no han començat a utilitzar-les en la pràctica clínica. El nostre objectiu és anar més enllà i obtenir variables predictives que es puguin utilitzar de forma pràctica en el camp clínic. Es pot preveure que en el futur tots els metges disposaran de bases de dades molt precises de tota la nostra anatomia i fisiologia. Aquestes dades es poden utilitzar en els models predictius per millorar el diagnòstic o per millorar teràpies o tractaments personalitzats.Postprint (published version

    Computational modeling of the fluid flow in type B aortic dissection using a modified finite element embedded formulation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10237-020-01291-xThis work explores the use of an embedded computational fluid dynamics method to study the type B aortic dissection. The use of the proposed technique makes it possible to easily test different intimal flap configurations without any need of remeshing. To validate the presented methodology, we take as reference test case an in vitro experiment present in the literature. This experiment, which considers several intimal flap tear configurations (number, size and location), mimics the blood flow in a real type B aortic dissection. We prove the correctness and suitability of the presented approach by comparing the pressure values and waveform. The obtained results exhibit a remarkable similarity with the experimental reference data. Complementary, we present a feasible surgical application of the presented computer method. The aim is to help the clinicians in the decision making before the type B aortic dissection surgical fenestration. The capabilities of the proposed technique are exploited to efficiently create artificial reentry tear configurations. We highlight that only the radius and center of the reentry tear need to be specified by the clinicians, without any need to modify neither the model geometry nor the mesh. The obtained computational surgical fenestration results are in line with the medical observations in similar clinical studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multiscale modeling of prismatic heterogeneous structures based on a localized hyperreduced-order method

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    This work aims at deriving special types of one-dimensional Finite Elements (1D FE) for efficiently modeling heterogeneous prismatic structures, in the small strains regime, by means of reduced-order modeling (ROM) and domain decomposition techniques. The employed partitioning framework introduces “fictitious” interfaces between contiguous subdomains, leading to a formulation with both subdomain and interface fields. We propose a low-dimensional parameterization at both subdomain and interface levels by using reduced-order bases precomputed in an offline stage by applying the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on solution snapshots. In this parameterization, the amplitude of the fictitious interfaces play the role of coarse-scale displacement unknowns. We demonstrate that, with this partitioned framework, it is possible to arrive at a solution strategy that avoids solving the typical nested local/global problem of other similar methods (such as the FE method). Rather, in our approach, the coarse-grid cells can be regarded as special types of finite elements, whose nodes coincides with the centroids of the interfaces, and whose kinematics are dictated by the modes of the “fictitious” interfaces. This means that the kinematics of our coarse-scale FE are not pre-defined by the user, but extracted from the set of “training” computational experiments. Likewise, we demonstrate that the coarse-scale and fine-scale displacements are related by inter-scale operators that can be precomputed in the offline stage. Lastly, a hyperreduced scheme is considered for the evaluation of the internal forces, allowing us to deal with possible material nonlinearities.This work has received support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D” (CEX2018-000797-S)”. A. Giuliodori also gratefully acknowledges the support of “Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Fons Social Europeu” through the FI grant (00939/2020), and J.A. Hernández the support of, on the one hand, the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 955558 (the JU receives, in turn, support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and from Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Norway), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 952966 (project FIBREGY).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimation of wall shear stress using 4D flow cardiovascular MRI and computational fluid dynamics

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    Electronic version of an article published as Journal of mechanics in medicine and biology, 0, 1750046 (2016), 16 pages. DOI:10.1142/S0219519417500464 © World Scientific Publishing CompanyIn the last few years, wall shear stress (WSS) has arisen as a new diagnostic indicator in patients with arterial disease. There is a substantial evidence that the WSS plays a significant role, together with hemodynamic indicators, in initiation and progression of the vascular diseases. Estimation of WSS values, therefore, may be of clinical significance and the methods employed for its measurement are crucial for clinical community. Recently, four-dimensional (4D) flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has been widely used in a number of applications for visualization and quantification of blood flow, and although the sensitivity to blood flow measurement has increased, it is not yet able to provide an accurate three-dimensional (3D) WSS distribution. The aim of this work is to evaluate the aortic blood flow features and the associated WSS by the combination of 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance (4D CMR) and computational fluid dynamics technique. In particular, in this work, we used the 4D CMR to obtain the spatial domain and the boundary conditions needed to estimate the WSS within the entire thoracic aorta using computational fluid dynamics. Similar WSS distributions were found for cases simulated. A sensitivity analysis was done to check the accuracy of the method. 4D CMR begins to be a reliable tool to estimate the WSS within the entire thoracic aorta using computational fluid dynamics. The combination of both techniques may provide the ideal tool to help tackle these and other problems related to wall shear estimation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hemodynamic on abdominal aortic aneurysm: Parametric study

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar qué influencia tienen los parámetros geométricos con las tensiones hemodinámicas en aneurismas abdominales aórticos. Para ello los autores han creado varios modelos geométricos de aneurismas abdominales basándose en sus principales características geométricas (diámetro máximo, diámetro mínimo, longitud aneurisma y asimetría) y técnicas computacionales para calcular la presión y la tensión de corte en el saco aneurismático. Los resultados obtenidos constatan que la presión hemodinámica es la principal carga mecánica que actúa sobre la pared arterial y que la morfometría de los aneurismas podría ser utilizada como buen predictor del riesgo de rotura. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de determinar si los modelos geométricos se podrían usar como aproximación de modelos reales, se compararon varios modelos reales (patient-specific) con sus respectivos modelos geométricos obteniendo una buena aproximación.The aim of this study is to assess how the shape of the abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) affects the hemodynamic wall stresses. With this purpose, different AAAs are studied through simplified models based on geometrical parameters of the aneurism such as its maximum and minimum diameter, length and asymmetry. Then, a computational fluid dynamics analysis is performed on the simplified models in order to compute pressure and wall shear stresses on the aneurysm sac. The results obtained show that blood pressure is the main dynamic load acting on the artery wall, and that the morphology of the aneurysm could be a good indicator of risk of failure. Furthermore, the computational results are compared with patient-specific real models with the objective to assess the reliability of the proposed simplified approach.Peer Reviewe

    Decision support system for cardiovascular problems

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    The DISHEART project aims at developing a new computer based decision support system (DSS) integrating medical image data, modelling, simulation, computational Grid technologies and artificial intelligence methods for assisting clinical diagnosis and intervention in cardiovascular problems. The RTD goal is to improve and link existing state of the art technologies in order to build a computerised cardiovascular model for the analysis of the heart and blood vessels. The resulting DISHEART DSS interfaces computational biomechanical analysis tools with the information coming from multimodal medical images. The computational model is coupled to an artificial neural network (ANN) based decision model that can be educated for each particular patient with data coming from his/her images and/or analyses. The DISHEART DSS system is validated in trials of clinical diagnosis, surgical intervention and subject-specific design of medical devices in the cardiovascular domain. The DISHEART DSS also contributes to a better understanding of cardiovascular morphology and function as inferred from routine imaging examinations. Four reputable medical centers in Europe took an active role in the validation and dissemination of the DISHEART DSS as well as the elaboration of computational material and medical images. The integrated DISHEART DSS supports health professionals in taking promptly the best possible decision for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Emphasis was put in the development of userfriendly, fast and reliable tools and interfaces providing access to heterogeneous health information sources, as well as on new methods for decision support and risk analysis. The use of Grid computing technology is essential in order to optimise and distribute the heavy computational work required for physical modelling and numerical simulations and especially for the parametric analysis required for educating the DSS for every particular application. The four end user SMEs participating in the project benefits from the new DISHEART DSS. The companies COMPASS, QUANTECH and Heartcore will market the DSS among public and private organizations related to the cardiovascular field. EndoArt will exploit the DISHEART DSS as a support for enhanced design and production of clinical devices. The partnership was sought in order to gather the maximum complementary of skills for the successful development of the project Disheart DSS, requiring experts in Mechanical sciences, Medical sciences, Informatic, and FEM technique to grow up the testes.Postprint (published version